Take Action
Call Your Senators at 1-888-885-1748!
The Freedom to Vote Act is an important step to protect the sacred right to vote after months of delay and obstruction. We are encouraged by many provisions, that will ensure our democracy is responsive and accountable to voters. The Freedom to Vote Act contains the main pillars of the For the People Act, including protecting the right to vote, ending partisan gerrymandering, and decreasing the power of big moneyed special interests. Call on the Senate to swiftly pass robust national standards for federal elections to ensure that we can safely and freely cast our ballots!
Call 888-885-1748 to be connected to your Senators. (Call twice to be connected to both Senate offices.)
Tell them that you are a person of faith and that democracy reforms are a moral issue for you. Ask if you can depend on them to support the bill.

Voters Covenant
Endorse Our Principles
Our faith-based partners unite around the Voters Covenant, Faithful Democracy’s statement of principles. Endorsement of the Covenant is a public statement of support for our shared concerns and our democratic mission. By endorsing the Voters Covenant, your organization, house of worship, congregation, or faith-based group 1) agrees to be publicly listed as part of our network and 2) indicates a willingness to engage—as availability and capacity allow—in our collective advocacy efforts to further the mission. Faithful Democracy will not release any statements, press releases, letters or other communications on behalf of endorsers unless they have affirmatively opted-in.
Get Involved
Are you an individual who agrees with the principles of the Voters Covenant? Join the mission by taking action to support a more faithful democracy and by staying informed about coalition activities.